JLI Teens provides advanced Jewish involvement for high school students by challenging teenagers to incorporate Jewish thought into their everyday life.

The program is tuition free and offers merit based compensation to the students.

We encourage teens to discover their own voice by sharing their opinions and challenging the ideas presented - inspiring them to become leaders instead of followers.

Each series incorporates ethics, philosophy, faith, history, community service, current events, and textual studies. We give teenagers a place to explore, grow, and participate through: Critical thinking , challenging activities, and text analysis public speaking, mock debates, and driving questions building their personal conviction and passion.

Academic performance improves when students enter university with a healthy sense of self and a clarity of purpose. We provide the forum for students to think deeply about themselves and build a strong foundation of beliefs and values.

Qualifying students can receive a merit based stipend of up to $600.00 upon completion of the course. We encourage students to use their stipend to further their Jewish leadership pursuits. Compensation will be awarded on a pro-rated scale based on attendance and participation. Students will be awarded funds at the Jewish Learning Institute Graduation. Each Student must attend 2 "In Service" sessions to qualify (Volunteering for Chabad).  Excused absences will be allowed, but will be subject to deduction of stipend. Any student who misses more than 6 classes will no longer be eligible for any stipend monies. However, in a case where a stipend is not awarded, a student's hours can be counted toward community service hours.  This year we will be accepting a limited amount of applicants. You will be notified within 72 hours if you are accepted into this program.